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Services Offered

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Discovery Call

15 minutes (FREE)

Let’s find out what I can do for you! Book yourself in for a FREE 15-minute call to discover what is keeping you from feeling your best, and determine how to move forward! 

Plant Based Meal

Meal Planning

One week $75

Three weeks $200 

A personalized meal plan just for you, or your family! Sometimes new medical diagnoses and dietary needs leave us feeling confused and overwhelmed with what the internet has to offer. After receiving your completed intake forms, I will customize each meal and recipe for any number of people and preferences you may have, including options to exclude certain foods, include others, work around time constraints, dietary restrictions, and more! 

Amy Meal Prepping

6-Week Program


12-Week Program


This program is all about you, and your commitment to feeling like your best self! You will have a personalized plan, and all the support and encouragement you need to achieve your goals and make them both sustainable and attainable. I will be your personal cheerleader and coach to help you get to where you want to be!   

Healthy Food

Sugarless to Flourish


Sugar, and the intense cravings that can come along with it, takes up far too much space in our lives and can impact us in ways we don't even realize, from interrupted sleep to mood swings and brain fog. This package has been designed for you to take the power out of sugar, the hold it has on you, and put the power back into your own hands!

Ready to make some healthy changes in your life?

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